It seems that you have found a soul mate.
2.我一直都想读那本书呢。(dream of)
I dreamed of reading that book all the time.
3.我们只是需要时间去适应校园生活罢了。(get use to)
We need time to get used to campus life.
How do you like Chinese tea?
5.黄河是中国第二长河。(the second longest)
The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.
6.他们用花和气球装饰了房间。(decorate ...with...)
They decorate the room with fowers and boloons.
We celebrate his sucess with music and dance.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who worked hard on the project.
9.这本书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息。( provide ***.with sth.)
The book prviodes us with all the information we need.
10.我喜欢在家里音乐和美食招待朋友。(entertain *** .with sth.)
I'd like to entertain my friends with music and delicious food at home.
11.申请工作时,求职信应该与你的简历一起寄出。(appiying for;cover letter ;resume)
You should send your cover letter with your resume on applying for the job.
12.由于充分的准备,他轻松通过了考试。(due to ;with ease)
Due to sufficient preparation, he passed the exam with ease.
13.他与儿子失去了联系很长时间了。(be out of contact)
He is out of contact with his son for a long time.
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