2024-03-09 15:22  浏览:31


Tea, only by savoring it carefully and savoring it well can you taste its own flavor.


Sitting by the window, turning on the recorder, a memorable song rang in my ear, “Friends walk together for life, those days no longer exist…” Then I picked up a cup of tea and savored it carefully


Friend, this word may seem simple and simple, but some people say that a friend is not someone you casually say ‘hi!’. Sometimes, a friend is the home of your soul, a blue sky that allows you to confide and shout when you are feeling wronged and at a loss. It silently supports you. When your grades are not ideal or you are sad, a friend sends you a comforting word to cheer you on and cheer you on! When you wait for the lingering rain at the school gate, the umbrella that comes over your head is not only an umbrella, but also a caring greeting; It’s like a cup of hot tea in your hand when you sit by the window feeling lonely and lonely in cold weather!

朋友,这个字眼,看起来简单而单纯,但是有人说朋友不是你随便说一句“嗨!”的。有时,朋友却又是你心灵的归宿,是你满受委屈而又不知所措的时候让你倾诉、让你呐喊的一片蓝天,它会默默地支持你 ,当你成绩不理想,伤心难过的时候,朋友送你一句安慰的话语,给你鼓励,替你加油!当你在校门口等待迟迟不见停的雨的时候头上划过来的雨伞,送来的,不仅仅是伞,也是关心的问候;它又像你在寒冷天气里坐在窗边感到寂寞孤独时手里捧着的一杯热茶!

Friend, it’s like this cup of tea. This tea is neither sweet spring water, nor sweet honey, nor rich wine, but it can leave you with endless aftertaste. It attracts people with its unique flavor, but not everyone can taste it. It doesn’t need to be seen with the eyes, smelled with the nose, or listened to with the ears. It is felt with the heart. With your sincere heart, sincere heart, never experience anything small. Or rather, it will not spoil this delicious dish due to certain misunderstandings, the power of integrity will protect it, and friendly emotions will accompany it.


I always thought I had a similar taste for the tea “friend”. But once in class, the teacher said, ‘There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.’ This shocked me. Can’t ‘friends’ taste this tea forever?

