2024-03-09 15:15  浏览:45


Add a little tea leaves and pour in boiling water, and the dried tea leaves will suddenly jump up, as if welcoming their rebirth. As time goes by, the tea will become thicker, but the mood will become lighter – brewing tea is a kind of emotion and also a kind of mood; Drinking tea is both a mood and an emotion. Tea is an ancient symbol of the East. In the “Tea Classic” by the tea sage Lu Yu, it is written: “Tea is for drinking, originating from the Shennong family.” From the prevalence of tea during the Tang and Song dynasties to today, few people truly know how to drink tea. Tea is alternative, but it is not arrogant. Plain water is too simple, and coffee is too impulsive. only tea is beneficial. There are many, many types of tea, seemingly different, but also similar, all centered around the word “Qing”. Tea is slightly bitter, but it is precisely because of its bitterness that it gives off its fragrance. Drinking tea is very meticulous, but this does not mean that without attention, one cannot taste tea. Hold up the tea cup, smell it, and if there is no aroma, a faint natural breath. Take a small sip carefully, and if it is light, there is still no taste. Drinking it again, it remains the same. Tea should be so light, right? The beauty of tea is not in its color, aroma, taste, or form, but in bringing people’s hearts into an ethereal realm, keeping them always a little pure and warm in their mood. The Japanese respect the tea ceremony, but I feel that the rigid rules do not match tea at all. Tea is natural and plain, while the Japanese tea ceremony insults the soul of tea. Drinking tea is a state of mind: the feeling of purifying the mind and body, filtering out the dryness, and precipitating deep contemplation. Tea is a kind of sentiment, a kind of silence that lingers over words; A melancholy that desires to smile and frown; A trajectory of desire to perish and survive. Life is the same, it’s better to be light. The interweaving of life and life is a chemical reaction process, similar to brewing tea with a pot of clear water. Water includes spring water, lake water, black tea, green tea, and different water temperatures can produce different tea fragrances, strong and weak Mood is like water, life is like tea. Boiling hot water can create a strong and fragrant tea aroma, while the warm and refreshing spring can brew a lingering fragrance, with a strong and light taste, just like different people and different life experiences. Taoist philosophy is like this, advocating for nature and simplicity. People to people, hearts to hearts, life to life, and all the creations are so natural as the blending of tea and water! Drinking alcohol can make one drunk; Drinking tea can intoxicate people.

放少许茶叶,注入开水,干枯的茶叶便一下子跳跃起来了,仿佛迎接到了它的重生,随着时间的过去,茶水越来越浓,而心情却越来越淡——泡茶,是一种感情,也是一种心情;喝茶,是一种心情,也是一种感情。 茶是古老的东方的象征,茶圣陆羽的《茶经》里写道:“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏。” 从唐宋时期茶的盛行到现如今,真正会喝茶的人,却寥寥无几。茶是另类的,但它并不孤高自许,白开水过于单纯了,咖啡又过于浮躁了,惟有茶,恰倒好处。茶有很多很多种,似乎种种不同,却又种种相同,都围绕着一个“清”字。茶有些微苦,但正因其苦,才致其香啊。喝茶是很有讲究的,但这不表明没有讲究就无法品到茶,端起茶杯,嗅一下,香气若有若无,淡淡一抹自然的气息,仔细喝一小口,淡淡的,还是没有什么味道,再喝,依旧如此。茶就该是如此清淡的吧,茶的妙处不在于它的色、香、味或者是形,却在于它把人的内心带进一种空灵的境界,使人们始终保持着心境中的一点清纯,一缕温馨。日本人尊茶道,而我却觉的那一板一眼的规矩根本配不上茶,茶是自然而朴实无华的,而日本人的茶道,则是侮辱了茶的灵魂。喝茶,喝的就是一种心境:感觉心身被净化,滤去浮燥,沉淀下的是深思。茶是一种情调,一种欲语还休的沉默;一种欲笑还颦的忧伤;一种欲灭还存的轨迹。人生亦如此,还是清淡的好。生命与生命的交织,是一个化学反应过程,如同一壶清水来泡茶,水有泉水、湖水,茶有红茶、绿茶,水温的不同可调出不同的茶香,浓的、淡的……心情如水,生活如茶。滚烫的开水能冲出浓香四溢的茶香,温脉的清泉却泡得经久不息的幽香,味的浓淡,正如不同的人,不同的生活感受。道家就是这样的理念,崇尚自然,崇尚清清淡淡。人与人,心与心,生活与生活,一切的造化,都像茶与水的交融这么自然! 喝酒,人会醉;喝茶,会醉人。
