赣州0.02%精密电阻1ppm/℃询问报价 盛雷城电阻器加工定制
2024-06-08 11:28  浏览:49
4分钟前 赣州0.02%精密电阻1ppm/℃询问报价 盛雷城电阻器加工定制[雷城电阻7d61f03]内容:盛雷城精密电阻有限公司生产制造的 EE 系列超高稳定性金属膜电阻器是使用高温模压封装,绝缘性能和抗潮湿性能都很高,标准温度系数测量温度区间减少为 60 °C,如果需要零下温度性能,则可以提供负温温度系数测试。ThunderPrecisionResistorsadoptedadvancedproductionprocessandmaterialfromEuropeanandAmerican。温度系数可到 ±2 PPM/°C,阻值覆盖至 5 Ohm。提供给设计工程师的军事合格品质的精密电阻元器件。

金属膜精密电阻 EE 系列是 Vishay,IRC,松下理想的替代元件,并提供更有竞争力的价格和快速交货服务。联系我们与您的特定需求。

RRXM series MELF type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors specially designed for high quality power suppliers and power switchs, power meters and hgih quality instruments.Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers and the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors, SMT type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!makesultraprecisionresistorsforBYDforareallylongtime。


UPR series ultra precision resistors are the right cross to Vishay's AUR series and FPR, FPS series metal foil resistors and had been adopted by many customers for many years.

超模压电阻器UPR 系列是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司制造的精度的一个产品系列,产品稳定性之高,连续工作的阻值漂移可以小于 20ppm/nia年度!
